Career in Testing / Quality Control(QC) / Quality Assurance(QA) in Software Industry

What is Quality Control(QC) or Quality Assurance(QA)
This is a phase in Software development in which after the software is made before releasing it to the market there are phases in which software is tested so that after being released customers doesn't face any issue. Hence this phase is also important and present in all the Companies because quality is something which matters because if the quality is not maintained the customers will not be satisfied hence company will loose its good will one the other hand customers will look to move to some other company which provides better products and facility.

Growth as QC is Software Industry
Candidates who all have recently joined any company or want to know about this field as the growth prospective then you are at the right place. Since maintaining quality is becoming mandatory for all the top companies hence need to QC engineers is increasing. Almost all the companies have QC engineers whose work is to maintain the quality of the software.

How QC \ Testing works ?
Once the software is made the Quality Control or you can say  testing department test the product on various grounds. For example if certain xyz company has prepared a software which will be used by thousands of customers. Then they will test on various platforms as customers might use that software on Desktop, Mobile phones, tablets. Hence the same software is tested on all these devices because if the software fails in any of these ground them customer will escalate as he had paid for that software and he want to make most of it.

For every company customer satisfaction is the basic necessity as they are the God for all the companies , if customers are happy then only they can say that their project is successful.

The work of QC does not ends once the product is ready to launch in the market because once the product is launched the customer requirement may change and based on that various enhancement are being done on the software which comes out as the new version. These new version is also tested by the Quality Control department and they test the same on various grounds to check if this new enhancement is not effecting the existing product. This phase is to much critical because if the QC engineer failed to check certain section of the software and if the customer found certain glitch or you can say bug then the customer might escalate and the customer support or in software industry the technical support department will receive a lot of calls regarding the same and hence it will increase the software cost for the company.

What is the package one can expect in QC/ Testing field
The package in Quality Control or Testing department varies from company to company. It also depends upon your Technical skills and your ability to resolve the issue, based on various circumstances the starting package ranges from 2.5 to 12 lakh per year

Check more details at Wikipedia

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