Difference between recruitment, hiring and vacancy

Difference between recruitment, hiring and vacancy
We generally find various sites in which various jobs are listed but if you closely look into this you will find that in some websites its written recruitment drive while for other post its written vacancy and in some its written xyz company is hiring.

You might me thinking of about what exactly is the thing which differentiates recruitment, hiring and vacancy. We have grouped certain points which can help you differentiate between all these 3

Few points to sum up the difference between these 3 terminologies

Recruitment and Hiring are synonym of each other
Vacancy as the word says in an unoccupied position
In recruitment we generally have lots of vacancies for different post
Vacancy is for less number of post
Recruitment drive is conducted when company has future goals and they hire people in bulk and trained them in certain technology so that they can be utilized in future
In vacancy the company looks for certain positions in which some experienced associates were working and now they have left the company
Recruitment is generally for freshers
Vacancy is generally for experienced associates

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